
Mary Queen of Scots is a historical-drama film that tells the story of the complex relationship between two powerful women in power. The first woman is the Elizabeth I Tudor, Queen of England and Ireland and protestant, under whom the country entered the “golden age”. The second woman is Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots and catholic.

The Mary Queen of Scots film shows the confrontation between two religions, two countries, two royal dynasties, two views on what the state must be. However, first of all, this is a story about two strong women, in essence, very similar to each other. Although they sometimes want to treat each other with understanding, we all know about the tragic ending of this confrontation.

Interesting Facts

  • Premiered on November 15, 2018 at the Los Angeles Film Festival, the “Mary Queen of Scots” film was released internationally on December 21, 2018. In the spring of 2019, it became available for viewing on streaming services.
  • Nominated for two Academy Awards – for make-up and costumes – the “Mary Queen of Scots” film ended up without an award. It is noteworthy that Margot Robbie and Saoirse Ronan, performers of the main roles, have long dreamed of the main film award in the world – however, until they managed to win the Oscar statuette. Robbie has twice been nominated for an Oscar, while Ronan had 4 nominations. In strength for an Oscar for Best Actress in 2018, both actresses lost to Frances McDormand.
  • Saoirse Ronan learned to ride while sitting on the same horse that helped prepare Gal Gadot for filming “Wonder Woman”.
  • The film is based on a biographical novel by John Guy, who claims to have evidence that Elizabeth I and Mary Stuart met – however, he never showed that evidence. According to official historiography, the two queens communicated exclusively in letters.


Mary Queen of Scots is a co-production film based on the historical drama novel by John Guy. Its world premiere took place on November 15, 2018.

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Tags: history, England, Scotland, Mary Stuart, Elizabeth I, XVII century, strong women

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