- Anna Torv, Jasika Nicole, John Noble, Joshua Jackson
- Alex Kurtzman, J.J. Abrams, Roberto Orci
- Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
- English
- 8.4
Olivia Dunham, a special agent of the FBI, together with his partner John Scott, is investigating the mysterious death of passengers on an airplane flying to Boston. In the future, this case will completely revolutionize not only Olivia’s career, but also give her a new look at the whole world. Together with the half-insane-half-genius Dr. Walter Bishop and his son Peter, they will become a part of the “Fringe”, unit engaged in investigating anomalous cases that cannot be explained by official science.
Starting with a minor story by the standards of the subsequent events of the plot, this fantastical procedural series will expand its mythology, telling incredible stories and forcing to follow closely the adventures of the protagonists.
Interesting Facts
- The first episode of the TV show was released on September 9, 2008 on the US FOX channel. With a huge fan following, the TV series ran for five seasons. The “Fringe” was closed on January 18, 2013.
- JJ Abrams, a former producer of Lost, is the creator of “Fringe”. Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, known as the creators of “Scorpio”, “Limitless” and the last two TV shows released as part of the “Star Trek” franchise, are co-creators of “Fringe”.
- Anna Torv, the female lead on a TV show, has won the Saturn Science Fiction Film Awards for Best Actress on Television for four consecutive years. Unfortunately, after the “Fringe” finale, Anna rarely appears on the screens. “Mindhunter” is the last high-profile TV series starring the actress.
Fringe is a US-Canada-produced fantasy thriller TV series. The first season of the TV show premiered on September 9, 2008 on FOX.
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Tags: fantasy, thriller, drama, adventure, investigation, detective, parallel realms