
The fall season begins with a big Netflix premiere, the TV-series Away, about the colonization of the Solar System.

An international team of astronauts, ready to conquer Mars, departs from Earth in a spaceship. The red planet beckons the space conquerors, but in their hearts are longing for their homes and families that they left behind for a great goal. The expedition is led by a strong woman Emma Green, whose role was played by the wonderful actress Hilary Swank, winner of two Oscars.

Interesting Facts

  • The whole series was filmed in Canada, in a studio located in Vancouver.
  • Chris Jones’s article in Esquire inspired showrunner Andrew Hinderaker to create Away. The article of the same name was published in 2014 and talked about a future expedition to Mars.
  • The series’ filming process lasted six months and ended in February 2020, just before the start of the worldwide quarantine.
  • In recent years, the plot of space conquest has been an important part of pop culture. There were such films as The Martian and First Man, and TV-series like the pseudo-documentary series Mars, the quasi-historical For All Mankind, and the satire Space Force.
  • Away’s Executive Producer is the director Matt Reeves, who is filming now the new Batman movie with Robert Pattinson portraying the title character.
  • The spaceship crew is international. It has representatives from the United States, Great Britain, India, China, and Russia.
  • The TV-series Away will be available to all Netflix subscribers on September 4.


This is an American-made Sci-Fi drama TV-series.

The premiere of the first season will take place on September 4, 2020 on Netflix.

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  • For All Mankind
  • Mars
  • The First

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