
The critically acclaimed black comedy “Barry” tells the story of a hitman who ends up in a theater studio on duty and realizes that his calling is acting, not murder. Taking on the stage name “Barry Block”, he plunged into the theater headlong. However, getting rid of the previous profession is not as easy as it seemed.

Interesting Facts

  • The first episode of Season 2 premiered on March 31, 2019 on HBO. The TV series aired daily until the end of May 2019.
  • The “Barry” TV show was renewed for a third season. Starting in March 2020, Season 3 filming has been frozen due to the coronavirus pandemic. The date of the premiere of the new season is still unknown.
  • Bill Hader, the comedian who starred in the television series, is also known for his participation in a number of comedy projects – “Pineapple Express”, “Knocked Up”, “Tropic Thunder”. By the way, he is the author of the script and showrunner of “Barry” TV series.
  • “Barry” TV show is very popular with critics – for two years on air, the TV series was nominated six times for the Golden Globe (though not taken one) and 29 times nominated for “Emmy” (won 6 awards).
  • Mark Ivanir, a Hollywood actor, played the roles of the Vachi and Ruslan in Season 1. Born in Ukraine, he immigrated to Israel with his family in the 1970s. Having made a career in the military, Mark entered the circus school as a clown. Ivanir has already starred in some Hollywood films in the 1990s. The TV series “Away” starring Mark Ivanir (Russian cosmonaut) premiered in September 2020 on the Netflix streaming platform.


Barry is an American-made crime-comedy television series. The second season of the TV show premiered on March 31, 2019 on HBO.

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Tags: comedy, crime, theater, Los Angeles, killer, mafia


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