
The second season is a continuation of the saga about women from poor Neapolitan quarters.

L’amica geniale is a long story about the relationship between two girls, who then grew up in women, Lila and Elena.

Story begins with the fact that in 2010, Elena, being of middle-age, finds out that her friend Lila was gone. Remembering Lila, Elena returns to the poor Naples of the 50s.

The first season talked about the childhood of two friends and ended with the wedding of sixteen-year-old Lila. In the new season, we see matured girls who are immersed in a hurricane of passion, like any normal Italians. Their friendship passes through a series of passions, bringing them together or moving away from each other.

Interesting facts

  • L’amica geniale is the film adaptation of the world best-selling book The Neapolitan Novels, which has been distributed worldwide with a circulation of more than ten million books. The second season is based on the second novel of the saga titled The Story of a New Name.
  • The author of The Neapolitan Novels is Elena Ferrante. In 2016, after the publication of the last epic novel, Time magazine put her name on the list of 100 Most Influential People in the World. However, despite the grandiose popularity of her books, we do not know anything about the personality of the author. Elena deliberately does not appear in public. There is even a theory that she is actually a man.


    A TV series of Italian and American production is based on a series of novels by Elena Ferrante and shot in the historical drama genre.

    The second season premiered on February 10, 2020 on the Rai1 Italian channel, and then the premiere took place on March 16, 2020 on the American HBO.

    You can watch the series trailer online on the website without registration.


    • What channel is producing the series?

    L’amica genial is a joint project of two TV channels:  the Italian Rai1 and the American HBO.

    • When did the second season come out?

    The first episode of the new season premiered on February 10, 2020 in Italy.

    • Will there be a sequel?

    The series has already been officially extended for the third season. It will be shot on the basis of the novel titled Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay.

Tags: Italy, Naples, female friendship, family saga, drama

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